5 signs to tell you it’s time to rebrand
It goes without saying that a rebrand can be a very daunting task for a business owner, and one that should be thought out meticulously. We learned so much during our recent Inka rebrand, and what might have looked like a change of colours and logo to some, was actually an in-depth process born from strategy, lots of research and months of planning. So, if you were wondering when the time is right for your business to rebrand - look no further.
How To Know When To Say No… And When To Say Yes!
When there are so many opportunities out there - amazing people to work with, interesting projects to be a part of - how do you decide where to direct your energy and avoid the burn-out that comes with being spread across too many things?
Imagine landing in a new country, you stand in an unfamiliar airport with your possessions crammed into your suitcase. People rush around you, speaking a language that is foreign to you.
This was the experience of many of the amazing women we met at SisterWorks last week.
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